Bilingual Education Program
Texarkana Independent School District is committed to enabling emergent bilingual students to develop primary language, literacy, and academic skills through the integrated use of content-based language and instructional methods to become proficient in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the English language. This includes mastering grade-level reading and language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies knowledge and skills as integral parts of the academic goals for all students to enable emergent bilingual students to participate equitably in school.
Does my Child Qualify for the Bilingual Program?
- Does my Child Qualify for the Bilingual Program?
- Locations
- Parent & Student Expectations
- Parent Resources
- Parent Rights
- Parent & Student Testimonies about Bilingual Education in TISD
- State Information
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Glossary of Terms
Does my Child Qualify for the Bilingual Program?
Identification/Program Entry/Testing
Title III requires that student identification and parent notification take place no later than four (4) weeks after the beginning of the school year. An LPAC should follow the more stringent Texas requirements and have student identification and placement occur within the first 4 weeks (20 days) of student enrollment.
Upon initial enrollment, all students must have a Home Language Survey (HLS) completed in their student record (only one: The original or a copy of original). The HLS shall be administered to each student new to the district and to students previously enrolled who were not surveyed in the past. If the HLS indicates a language other than English, testing must be initiated to determine English proficiency.
The DRC LAS Battering for English Learner Identification will be used for the purpose of English Learner Identification. Districts/charter schools that are required to offer a bilingual program must test students in English and in their primary language. Students will receive a score that determines them to be English Proficient or Emergent Bilingual. Testing must be administered by trained personnel. Parental permission does not have to be obtained prior to oral language proficiency testing.
Texarkana ISD currently serves students in the Bilingual Program at the following locations:
Nash Elementary
Address: 100 Burton – Nash, Texas 75569
Phone: 903.838.4321
Fax: 903.831.7158
Principal: Liliana Luna
Assistant Principal: Stephanie Parker
Assistant Principal: Jacquelyn Smith
Grades: Pre-K thru 5
Highland Park Elementary
Address: 401 West 25th Street – Texarkana, Texas 75503
Phone: 903.794.8001
Fax: 903.793.1702
Principal: Jennifer Cross
Assistant Principal: Cora Patton
Grades: Pre-K thru 5
Parent & Student Expectations
- Support their children’s linguistic, academic, and socio-cultural development
- Commit to completing the elementary Bilingual Program
- Participate in parent meetings each year regarding the Bilingual Program
- Promote, advocate, and support the Bilingual Program
- Encourage use of the second language at home and in the community
- Participate in the Bilingual Program in the elementary grades
- Participate in dual language activities during and after school, as available
- Use the second language at home and in the community
- Value multiculturalism
- Maintain high levels of learning, conduct, and attendance
Parent Resources
Would you like to volunteer?
Complete an Application for our Volunteers in Public Schools
Parent Rights
Parent Rights / Authority Bilingual Education Texas Education Code Chapter 89.1240 It is the policy of the state that every student who has a home language other than English and is identified as an English language learner shall be provided a full opportunity to participate in a bilingual education or English as a second language (ESL) program.
Parent Approval
- Parents will be notified their child has been classified as an emergent bilingual student and recommended for either the Bilingual Education Program or English as a Second Language Program.
- Parents will be provided information describing the program, its benefits, and its part of the overall school program.
- Parents must approve the placement of a student in the program. The approval must be in writing or other allowable alternatives.
- The school district will notify the student's parent of the student's exit from the program and obtain parental approval.
- Students meeting exit requirements may continue in the program with parental approval.
- If the parent disagrees with the student's placement in the program, the parent may request to meet with TISD staff to appeal the placement decision.
English Learner Summer School
English language learners will have an opportunity to receive special instruction designed to prepare them to be successful.
The enrollment of a child in a Emergent Bilingual Summer School is as follows:
- The law requires TISD to invite all PK and K emergent bilingual students participating in a bilingual or ESL program to participate in Emergent Bilingual Summer School on a volunteer basis, per Texas Education Code Chapter 89.1250.
- TISD generously allows staff members to invite all students who scored beginner on TELPAS.
- Any students recommended to attend summer school to attend for these students will be resolved by the end-of-year LPAC committee.
At least once a year, the school district will report to parents the progress of their child as a result of participation in the program.
Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)Each school’s Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) initiates, deliberates and determines the best program for the student. It is a link between home and school in making appropriate decisions about placement, instruction, assessment and special programs that impact the student. Each committee is made up of a bilingual educator, a transitional language educator, a parent of a limited English proficiency student, and a campus administrator. Students who receive special services will also have a representative from special education, 504, or other program present at their LPAC meeting.
For more information, please contact:
Mindy Basurto, Coordinator of Multilingual Education
Texarkana Independent School District
3413 Summerhill Road, Texarkana, TX 75503
Phone: 903.793.7561 ext. 1316
Parent & Student Testimonies about Bilingual Education in TISD
State Information
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Bilingual Program?
Dual language immersion/one-way is a bilingual/biliteracy program model in which students identified as emergent bilingual students are served in both English and the program's partner language and are prepared to meet reclassification criteria in order to be successful in English instruction with no second language acquisition supports not earlier than six or later than seven years after the student enrolls in school. Instruction provided in the partner language and English is delivered by a teacher appropriately certified in bilingual education under TEC, §29.061. When the instructional time for both the partner language and English is 50%, a paired-teaching arrangement may be utilized in which instruction provided in English may be delivered either by a teacher appropriately certified in bilingual education or by a different teacher certified in ESL in accordance with TEC, §29.061. This model provides ongoing instruction in literacy and academic content through content-based language instruction in English as well as the students' primary language, with at least half of the instruction delivered in the students' primary language for the duration of the program. The primary goals of a dual language immersion program model are:
(A) for program participants to attain bilingualism and biliteracy in English and the partner language;
(B) the integration of English speakers and English language learners for academic instruction, in accordance with the program design and model selected by the school district board of trustees; and
(C) the promotion of bilingualism, biliteracy, cross-cultural awareness, and high academic achievement.
What is the difference between a one-way and a two-way bilingual program? Which model does Texarkana ISD have in place?
One-way dual language supports “one language” group of students to become bilingual, bi-cultural, and bi-literate. In this program, students will develop oral and cognitive academic language proficiency in English and in Spanish while mastering grade-level knowledge in skills in the content areas. For example, students whose primary language is Spanish would learn in English and Spanish.
Two-Way dual language supports “two language” groups of students to become bilingual, bi-cultural, and bi-literate. In this program, students will develop oral and cognitive academic language proficiency in English and in Spanish while mastering grade-level knowledge in skills in the content areas. For example, both Spanish-speaking and English-speaking students would learn in both languages.
Texarkana ISD has a one-way dual language program.
Which students are eligible to participate in the Bilingual Program?
Bilingual Student Eligibility and Criteria is as follows:
1. EB students will be automatically considered for Bilingual Program.
2. Non-EB students who speak Spanish may enter into the DLI program following the order of consideration:
Group Order for Interested Students on a Space-Available Basis
Group 1—Students with siblings in the program at the campus
Group 2—Students living within the attendance zone
Group 3—Out of attendance zone students
Based on the above group order, a lottery will be necessary if the campus principal determines the number of interested non-EB students exceeds the available seats.
Will my child be taught the same subjects and learn the same skills as students in the general education program?
Yes. The content curriculum for one-way DLE is based on the same grade level TEKS and closely follows the district scope and sequence for each subject. The difference lies in the language of instruction of each content area. In PK-1st grades all subject areas are taught in Spanish except for math. In 2nd-5th grades math and English language arts are taught in English and science, social studies, and Spanish language arts are taught in Spanish.
- All students in Bilingual Education must receive instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in their native language and English.
- Language Arts, Reading, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies are taught as part of the state mandated curriculum.
- Music, P.E., and Art are also part of a balanced curriculum.
How will the Bilingual Education Program help my child?
- Provides access to the state curriculum.
- Teaches English to LEP students using appropriate methods.
- Helps build knowledge and learning of academic subjects in the first language and in English.
- Instills in children a positive identity, pride in their cultural heritage, self-assurance and confidence.
How can I become involved in the Bilingual Education Program?
- Your approval is required to allow your child to participate and benefit in the program.
- You can become a volunteer and help in classroom activities.
- You can become involved at home by encouraging your child to achieve, providing him a place to study, and showing interest in his schoolwork.
- You can participate as a member of the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), which helps determine how students will be taught.
Will my child learn English?
- YES! Students in the TISD Bilingual Program will learn English. Here are some helpful insights:
- The mastery of English listening, reading, and writing skills is required in the program
- ESL instruction is an integral part of the bilingual education program.
- Academic instruction begins in the student's first language and transitions to English
How do I enroll?
Families new to the district are encouraged to begin the enrollment process before the first day of school. Enrollment forms can be obtained at any TISD campus. Enrollment requirements, locations, dates, and more can be found by visiting our Registration & Enrollment page.
If I have questions about TISD’s Bilingual Program, to whom should I direct my inquiries?
For more information, please contact:
Mindy Basurto, Coordinator of Multilingual Education
Texarkana Independent School District
3413 Summerhill Road, Texarkana, TX 75503
Phone: 903.793.7561 ext. 1316