Recommended Professional Reading
75 Quick & Easy Solutions to Common Classroom Disruptions
Bryan Harris-Cassandra Goldberg
101 “Answers” for New Teachers and Their Mentors
Annette L. Breaux
Becoming a Learning School
Joellen Killion-Patricia Roy
Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement
Robert J. Marzano
Classroom Instruction that Works
Robert J. Marzano
Classroom Instruction that Works 2nd Edition
Ceri B. Dean-Elizabeth Ross Hubbell-Howard Pitler-BJ Stone
Classroom Management that Works
Robert J. Marzano
Don’t Forget to Write for the Secondary Grades
Jennifer Traig
Effective Questioning Strategies in the Classroom
Esther Fusco
Engaging Students
Phillip C. Schlechty
Green Light Classrooms: Teaching Techniques that Accelerate Learning
Rich Allen
High-Five Teaching, K-5 Using Green Light Strategies to Create Dynamic,
Student-Focused Classrooms
Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom
Carol Ann Tomlinson-Marcia B. Imbeau
Making Good Teaching Great
Annette L. Breaux-Todd Whitaker
Red Hot Handouts! Taking the Ho Hum out of Handouts
Dave Arch
Rigor is NOT a Four-Letter Word
Barbara R. Blackburn
Teach Like A Champion
Doug Lemov
Teaching Boys Who Struggle in School
Kathleen Palmer Cleveland
Teaching with Poverty in Mind: What Being Poor Does to Kids’ Brains
and What School Can Do About It
Teaching with the Brain in Mind
Eric Jensen
The Highly Engaged Classroom
Debra J. Pickering-Robert J. Marzano
The Learning Educator: A New Era for Professional Learning
Stephanie Hirsh-Joellen Killion
Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner
Persida Himmele-William Himmele
What Great Teachers Do Differently
Todd Whitaker