Morriss Elementary Registration & Enrollment
As a new or prospective student of Texarkana Independent School District, we are committed to providing an exceptional education in an environment that will nurture the intellectual, social, cultural and physical development of each student’s overall well-being. Students will be challenged through a wide array of academic and extracurricular opportunities which focus on the individual talents and interests of each student. Our goal is to connect students to real world experiences which promote real-world success thereby optimizing the learning experience for every child.
The Martha and Josh Morriss Mathematics & Engineering Elementary School offers students an instructional focused campus. The school has an instructional curriculum specifically in the areas of math, engineering and technology with direct ties to Texas A&M University – Texarkana College of Arts & Sciences and Education and College of Engineering. Students have the opportunity for exploration, hands-on experimentation/learning and interaction with students of similar interests.
Any student interested in attending Morriss Elementary School must apply for admission. Once admitted, the student must meet specific expectations in order to continue enrollment. Information regarding the application and selection process can be found in the left-hand links. Our offices are available to assist you through the application process and look forward to you and your student becoming a member of the TISD Tiger Family!
Students entering Kindergarten – 5th Grade are eligible to apply for admission to the Martha and Josh Morriss Mathematics & Engineering Elementary School.
As of September 1st of the current school year, the student must be:
There is no attendance zone for Morriss Elementary School. Therefore, In-District and Out‑of‑District students may apply. Students living outside the boundaries of TISD are subject to all District transfer regulations.
Students applying for admission to the Martha and Josh Morriss Mathematics & Engineering Elementary School must demonstrate:
- A record of advanced academic success
- A record of excellent attendance
- A record of good conduct and work habits
Students will be required to complete an Application, an Academic & Behavior Questionnaire and submit prior school records. Additionally, all students will be required to take a Readiness Assessment. Due to the specific curriculum being followed at Morriss Elementary School, no curriculum or behavior modifications will be made. Students requiring specific accommodations will be reviewed individually and may be referred to their home attendance zone for appropriate services.
Skills included on the locally developed Readiness Assessment are within the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Mathematics skills will be assessed at a grade level above the tested grade to correspond with the acceleration in the Morriss Elementary School classroom. The TEKS and practice STAAR tests can be found on this Texas Education Agency link:
For grades K, 1 & 2, the questions are based on the TEKS. Readiness Assessment questions for grades 3-5 are similar to the STAAR tests. Remember to follow basic testing strategy of ensuring your student is rested prior to testing.
If you are unable to access the link, we will provide a copy of the information requested.
An application period will be designated each year for each grade level. During the official application period, applications will be available by accessing a live link on our TISD home and Morriss Elementary School web pages.
Applications will also be available from:
Student Enrollment Services
Rosalind Mayfield, Administrative Secretary
2208 Kennedy Ln
Texarkana, Texas 75503 Phone: 903.794.TISD ext. 1030
Fax: 903.791.2995
For notification purposes, it will be the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to maintain address and contact information on file with our office. TISD will not be responsible for deadlines missed due to inaccurate contact information.
The application period for Grades 1-5 is open April 1st - May 24th. Students will be assessed at the end of a two week math prep camp (not required) that occurs in June.
The application period for Kindergarten during the 2025-26 school year will be open November 1st – mid-January of the year prior to enrollment.
The selection process for Kindergarten students will be based on a scoring rubric that awards points based on performance on the required Readiness Assessments, sibling status and TISD District residency. Additional rubric scoring points will also be given to children of staff currently employed full time at Morriss Elementary. Applicants with the highest composite score will be selected for admittance.
Readiness Assessments will be given by appointment. Testing dates are typically held on the last Saturday in February and the first Saturday of March. Students must test on one of the designated dates to be eligible for selection. Appointments for Assessments will be made in January 2025.
- Apply between November 1, 2024, and January 10, 2025, either electronically or in person at the TISD Welcome Center.
- Applicants will be scheduled to take the math and reading readiness assessment in February 2025.
- After completing the assessment, families will be notified by mail of acceptance status by February 28, 2025.
- Parents of selected students must return the entrance agreement and registration documents by March 14, 2025.
Applications will also be available from:
Student Enrollment Services
Rosalind Mayfield, Administrative Secretary
2208 Kennedy Ln
Texarkana, Texas 75503
Phone: 903.794.TISD ext. 1030
Fax: 903.791.2995
All students seeking admission will be evaluated based on academic, attendance and behavior standards. Applying students will be ranked according to a rubric score with the highest scoring students being offered available seats. In the event of a tied score, the final rank will be given priority based upon math assessment score, sibling status and TISD residency. As additional openings develop during the summer, we will continue to enroll in rank order. Openings that develop during the first grading period of each year will be filled. Due to the acceleration of the math curriculum, no students will be enrolled after the first grading period. If your student is not admitted for the current school year, we will begin the process again the following Spring. Any prior ranking will not be considered for future school years.
The Scoring Rubric will consist of the following:
- Reading and math readiness assessments will be given at Morriss Elementary School.
- Report Card grades in Math, Reading, Language Arts and Science for the current and previous school year.
- STAAR scores (grades 4-5) or other standardized test for the current and prior school year, if available.
- Full day absences and tardies will be evaluated for the current and prior school year
- Work habits and/or conduct grades from student’s report card for the current and prior school year in addition to any office referrals for the current or prior school year.
- Applicants who have a sibling currently enrolled in Kindergarten - Fourth Grade will receive additional scoring points on the rubric.
- TISD In-District students will receive additional scoring points on the rubric.
- Applicants who are children of Morriss Elementary School full-time staff will receive additional scoring points on the rubric.
In the event of a tied score, the final rank will give priority as follows:
- Score on math assessment
- Sibling of a Morriss Elementary student currently enrolled in Kindergarten – Fourth Grade
- TISD Resident
Students attending Martha and Josh Morriss Mathematics & Engineering Elementary School are expected to maintain high standards and to continue in enrollment at the school. Parents/Guardians will be required to sign an Entrance Agreement that outlines the following expectations:
- Maintain an average of 80 or higher in each academic class during each grading period
- Meet minimum expectations each year on all state assessments
- Complete all assignments in a timely fashion
- No late work will be accepted
- No rework of assignments for a grade
- Actively participate in class
- Arrive on time for school each morning
- Maintain regular attendance
- Remain in school all day
- Be picked-up timely at dismissal
- Refrain from persistent misbehavior
- Refrain from disruptive behavior
- Adhere to the student code of conduct
- Be consistently kind and courteous to students, teachers, parents and community members
In the event a student is not meeting the academic or attendance expectations, Parents/Guardians will be notified and the expectations for improvement will be discussed. A student not meeting the agreed upon expectations will be required to return to his/her home campus.
A student who does not meet the behavior expectations will be expected to show immediate improvement. A student who is involved in a serious infraction or persistent misbehavior will be required to return to his/her home campus at a time designed by the Morriss Elementary School principal.