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Texas ACE Program

3413 Summerhill Road    |    Texarkana, Texas 75503    |    Phone: 903.793.7561    |    Fax: 903.255.3280

What is the Texas ACE Program?
(Texas Afterschool Centers on Education)

The Texas ACE Program is made possible by the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant funded through the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The grant works to support and help students meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and offers literacy and other education services to families of participating children.

Students will receive one hour of academic support/homework help and enrichment activity daily (Culinary Arts, STEM, Sports, Peer Mentoring, Career Exploration, Technology/Coding, Gaming, etc.)

*Supper and a snack are provided daily

Elodia Witterstaetter
Texas ACE Program
(903) 793-7561
Ext. 1341

What are the benefits
of the Texas ACE Program?


  • The Texas ACE Program ensures students have a safe, supportive, and educationally enriching environment after school and during the summer.

  • Students are provided with academic support aligned with the school day to increase their performance in Reading and Math.

  • Students are provided with student-based enrichment opportunities to explore their passions.

  • Provides real world learning experiences and opportunities to prepare students for college and career readiness.

  • Provides family engagement workshops and events to increase parental involvement and connections with the school community.


Texas ACE Family Handbook 2023-24

Site Coordinators Campus and Contact Information:

Highland Park Elementary

401 W 25th Street
Texarkana, TX 75503

Terri Whitt
Site Coordinator
Phone: (903) 794-8001 Ext. 1665

Nash Elementary

100 Burton Street
Nash, TX 75569

Denise Gooley-Cheatham
Site Coordinator
 (903) 838-4321 Ext. 86320 

Spring Lake Park Elementary

4324 Ghio Fish Boulevard
Texarkana, TX 75503

Kristen Payton
Site Coordinator
(903) 794-7525 Ext. 1573

Westlawn Elementary

410 Westlawn Drive
Texarkana, TX 75503

Bwerani “DeWayne” Bonner
Site Coordinator
(903) 223-4252 Ext. 6517

Theron Jones
Early Literacy Center

2600 West 15th Street
Texarkana, TX 75501

Phronda Williams
Site Coordinator
(903) 793-4871 Ext. 5504

Texas Middle School

2100 College Drive
Texarkana, TX 75503

Marsha Geraci
Site Coordinator
(903) 793-5631 Ext. 76360


** Space is limited.
Please contact the Site Coordinator
for your students campus.

Case Management

100 Families Alliance

4010 Summerhill Rd, Texarkana, TX 75501
Phone: (903) 255-7733

Food Assistance/Food Pantries
Hope For Texarkana (ArkLaTex Blessing Boxes)
(903) 472-0425

ArkLaTex Blessing Box Locations

Additional Services Offered:
Educational advocacy to parents and/or students
in special populations

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Prevention, Inc.
424 Spruce Street, Texarkana, TX 75501
(903) 794-4000


Texarkana College 
2500 N Robison Road, Texarkana, TX 75501
(903) 823-3456

University of Arkansas at Hope-Texarkana
3501 U of A Way, Texarkana, AR 71854
(870) 777-5722

TRIO Educational Opportunity Center 
(Provides career and educational support to
first-generation college students, limited-income individuals, and/or individuals with disabilities)

2500 N Robison Rd, Texarkana, TX 75501
(903) 823-3012

Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund
(Bowie County, TX and Miller County, AR Residents)
PO Box 355 Texarkana, TX 75504
(870) 330-7371

Literacy Council of Bowie & Miller Counties, Inc.
Offers: GED Preparation, ESL, Financial Literacy,
and Computer and Digital Literacy

4010 Summerhill Road, Texarkana, TX 75503
(903) 255-7733

Texarkana College Adult Education and Literacy Program
2500 N Robison Rd, Texarkana, TX 75501
(903) 823-3460



Ark-Tex Council of Governments
(Section 8 Rental Vouchers)
4808 Elizabeth Street, Texarkana, TX 75502
(903) 823-8636

Apply Online: 


Domestic Violence Prevention, Inc.
424 Spruce St, Texarkana, TX
(903) 794-4000

For: Women and Children 

24-Hour Crisis Line
903-793-HELP (4357) or 903-277-3350


Public Transportation

Ark-Tex Council of Governments Rural Transit District (TRAX) Rural Transportation
(866) 575-9014

Mental Health

Community Healthcore

Community Healthcore - Adult services
2435 College Drive, Texarkana, TX 75501
(903) 831-7585

Community Healthcore -  Child and Adolescent Services
1900 Galleria Oaks, Texarkana, TX 75503
(903) 792-0007

Community Healthcore Cont.
Services or Referrals (800) 446-8253
24/7 Crisis Hotline (800) 832-1009

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:
Call or text 9-8-8
(TTY: Use your preferred relay service
or dial 711 then 9-8-8)

2-1-1, option 8, or visit 2-1-1 Texas

Crisis Text Line:
Text 741741, free 24/7

Local Mental Health Authority
Crisis Hotlines – Available 24/7

Mental Health Services Search

Veterans Crisis Line: 9-8-8, press 1

Pregnancy Resource Center

First Choice Pregnancy Resource Center
602 Main Street, Texarkana, TX 75501
(903) 792-5735