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Nash Elementary Student Council Wins Statewide Award for Leadership Excellence

Nash Elementary Student Council Wins Statewide Award for Leadership Excellence

The Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA) recently announced that Nash Elementary School’s Student Council received the 2023-2024 Student Leadership Award. This prestigious award was established in 2018 to recognize outstanding PK-8 student leadership teams that have demonstrated exceptional commitment to their school communities through leadership and service.

“Student leadership teams play a critical role in modeling civic engagement on their campuses,” TEPSA Executive Director Harley Eckhart said. “We are proud to recognize these teams for their student-led initiatives and the positive impacts they’ve made on campuses throughout the state.”

TEPSA will recognize award recipients on its website, with a video presentation at the Summer Conference, on its official Facebook page, and during its Student Leadership Workshops in the fall.

Mrs. Sonya Freeze has led the Nash Elementary School Student Council for 15 years. Over the years, the Council has participated in numerous service-learning projects, but the most impactful has been the annual Canned Food Drive. The student leadership group has collected and donated over 12,000 cans of food to the Salvation Army. In addition, the group has raised and donated approximately $15,000 to local charities like the Runnin WJ Ranch, Opportunities, Inc., Randy Sams, and Water Springs Ranch.

Mrs. Freeze is pictured below with her 2024 Student Council members at the Runnin WJ Ranch.

More about TEPSA: TEPSA, whose hallmark is educational leaders learning with and from each other, has served Texas PK-8 school leaders since 1917. Member-owned and member-governed, TEPSA has more than 5,900 members who direct the activities of more than 3 million PK-8 school children. Learn more at